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Living with Diabetes

Managing Diabetes When You’re Busy

9/30/2021 by mySugr

Managing Diabetes When You’re Busy

It goes without saying that life gets busy. So busy in fact, that your diabetes management can end up getting lost in the shuffle. Despite your best intentions, it’s sometimes all too easy to let things like healthy eating, exercise, and regular blood sugar checks fall to the bottom of your to-do list.

“But how do I handle everything on my plate and still manage your diabetes effectively?” We hear you ask. Never fear! mySugr is here to help!

First of all, remember that diabetes management should be one of your priorities. We understand that it’s easy to get wrapped up in life but taking care of yourself impacts your ability to take care of your other responsibilities. 

There are plenty of great tips to help you incorporate diabetes management into a busy lifestyle

Meals and Snacks

When you’re busy, it’s easy to grab the most convenient foods instead of making healthy choices. Unfortunately, it’s often the case that the fastest food is the unhealthiest option.  Finding time to shop and cook can be difficult. Here are a few tips that can help you make healthier food choices, even when you’re busy:

  • Consider having groceries delivered to save time. If that option isn't available to you, ask a friend or relative to help with your shopping.
  • Do some meal prepping. On days off, prepare some extra meals you can grab during the coming week.
  • Limit shopping trips. If you’re doing the shopping yourself, make a list and plan one big trip instead of multiple smaller trips. This saves a lot of time (and money!). Plus, you won’t have to worry about standing in long check-out lines so often.
  • Prep veggies early. Portion veggies and fruits into smaller portions, so they’re ready for you to cook, saving time later when it’s time to snack or prepare a meal.


If you’re crunched on time, it may feel like you can’t cram in any physical activity. But being active is just as important as healthy eating when you’re working to manage diabetes. Here are a few easy ways to slip in more exercise, even if you’re busy.

  • Do 10 minutes at a time. Instead of giving up because you can’t find 30 free minutes for a big exercise session, start slipping in just 10 minutes here and there. Go for a 10-minute walk on your lunch break. Get 10 minutes of exercise after dinner. Slip in 10 minutes of activity while you’re watching TV. You’ll feel much better for it. Plus, regular exercise helps keep your blood sugar in check. 
  • Find ways to be more active throughout your day, even if it’s not planned exercise. Park a bit further away from the store and squeeze in a walk. Take the stairs. Get up and walk around every 30 minutes while you’re working.
  • Pick exercise options you love. It’s super important to love your workout. This will help boost your motivation and get moving. If you hate running, you’re not going to make time in your busy schedule to do it. Choose a sport you enjoy and you’ll be more motivated to fit it into your schedule.

Even moderate increases in activity can have a positive impact on blood sugar levels and help you manage your diabetes more effectively. So let’s get moving.

Testing and Medication

It’s easy to forget to do things when you’re super busy. Even important things like testing your blood sugar or taking your diabetes medicine can slip your mind. Use these tips to stay on track, no matter how busy you get.

  • Set times for meals, testing, and taking medicines. Having a schedule can help you stay on track all day.
  • Try setting alarms or reminders for blood sugar monitoring, taking medicine, or even eating a snack or meal to prevent low blood sugar. Handy apps (like mySugr!) can be used to alert you too.
  • Stay stocked up. It’s a good idea to have around three-months of diabetes supplies available. This will help you avoid running out or having to make multiple trips to the pharmacy.
  • Ask for help. Having a trusted loved one help you remember when to take medicines and stop and check your blood sugar is a great reminder on a busy day. Sometimes a little help from people who care about you can go a long way.
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Medical or nutritional information on the mySugr website is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a physician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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