Meet Chris! Chris is one of our models living with diabetes. Chris was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes three years ago after having lost his dad and grandfather to diabetes. Initially taking this as a death sentence back then, he is nowadays managing his diet, taking medication, and monitoring his blood sugar levels so that he can not only live longer, but do the things he thought he might not ever be able to do again: race yachts around the globe, and solo expedition races.
At mySugr we love to show the many different faces and stories of people with diabetes in the real world. So we do our own photoshoots and feature real people living with diabetes instead of using stock photos. In this series, we want you to get to know our shooting stars a little bit better.
1. What was your biggest fears/concerns when you were diagnosed with diabetes?
My father and grandfather both died at age 65 due to complications with diabetes. Being diagnosed felt like the clock was ticking and I had been handed a death sentence. I wanted to get a handle on it immediately and try to understand fully what my diagnosis meant.
2. What’s the hardest part/biggest struggle for you in living with diabetes day-to-day?
I’d have to say the hardest part of living with diabetes everyday, the struggle, ist he constant highs and lows of blood sugar. Feeling your blood sugar spike, or drop, can bring on anxiety. It can also make you feel like you are getting sleepy. Walking around, and working with others, with all this going on, is surely a challenge.

3. What piece of advice would you give to a person who is newly diagnosed with diabetes?
Don’t be afraid to take control of your life with diabetes. Educating those around you…. This is not an „I told you so disease“ We don’t get diabetes from eating too much sweets, and being told what „WE“ can, or cannot eat… it can be frustrating. Stick to what you know. What real expert stell you. There are a lot of myths, but stick tot he facts.
4. Is there a phrase/statement about diabetes that drives you crazy?
„Eating sweets causes diabetes!“, and when people tell „ME“ I should watch my blood sugar.
5. When you think of the word “freedom” in terms of diabetes, what does that mean to you? What would make you feel more free?
Freedom is being able to live an active lifestyle and not have to worry about my blood sugar. Not testing, not worrying about medications, or being able to eat those comfort foods we all crave that we know are not going to help us in our disease.

The mySugr website does not provide medical or legal advice. mySugr blog articles are not scientific articles, but intended for informational purposes only.
Medical or nutritional information on the mySugr website is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a physician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.