Life with diabetes can often feel like a juggling act. From time in range and carb counting, to food choices and check-ups. Balancing all those juggling balls can be exhausting. When it all feels like a little too much, it’s time to take a step back and check in with yourself. What better way to do that than by practicing a little bit of hygge?
Don’t know what we’re talking about? Keep on reading to find out how hygge can help you embrace slowing down when living with diabetes. Get ready to get cozy.
If you’ve never heard of hygge, you’re in for a treat. hygge is a concept from Denmark which loosely translates to coziness. Essentially, hygge is all about creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life. Enjoying hygge means being stress-free and feeling warm and cozy.
Hygge isn’t something you can buy. It’s something you create and feel. The great thing about hygge is that it means something different to everyone. Whether you feel your most cozy and relaxed wrapped up in a blanket next to a scented candle or eating cake in a warm coffee shop, everyone can find their own version of hygge.
So this season, beat the burnout, slow down and embrace hygge. Both you and your diabetes monster deserve some TLC (tender loving care) and hygge offers exactly that.
We put together a list of five hygge ideas that you and your diabetes monster can enjoy. Check them out right here:
#1 Create a hygge environment
More stress = less hygge. Take time to slow down. You already know that stress can play havoc with your blood sugar levels. We know that it’s easy to get caught up with everything that your diabetes demands but don’t forget to stop, take a breath and slow down when it all gets too much.
Why not create a safe space at home and fill it with things to help you embrace hygge. Get yourself some fuzzy slippers, light a candle, and make a hot tea. Create your own sanctuary where you can take a pause, calm down, and get your hygge on.
#2 Eat soul foods
Hygge is all about connecting with your soul. And what better way to do that than through food? Practicing more mindful eating is a great way to enhance your blood sugar control and become aware of how food affects your body. Mindful eating also helps you embrace hygge, you’ll learn to appreciate and enjoy one of life's most simple yet wonderful pleasures, food!
You could also try baking your favorite cookies or other sweet treat and save some for a handy hypo snack. Or enjoy a snack that’s good for your soul. Hygge doesn’t necessarily mean overindulging in cakes and chocolate all the time. There are plenty of diabetes friendly snack options to help you kick the cravings and embrace hygge all at the same time.
#3 Get moving
Getting active doesn’t have to mean running a marathon. When living with diabetes, it’s important to find a workout you enjoy so you can incorporate it into your daily routine. Embrace hygge as a part of your active lifestyle by learning to appreciate the wonderful world around you. Instead of driving to work, you could try walking or cycling.
Start your day off right by appreciating the nature around you and making that little extra effort to get moving. Including physical activity in your daily routine will have a positive impact on your blood sugar control and insulin resistance. Other great hygge friendly workouts include yoga, swimming and hiking. Get ready to get mindful and get moving.
#4 Find inner peace and joy
Hygge is all about appreciating the simple pleasures in life. Whether that be dinner with friends or curling up on the couch with a good book. Sometimes, the craziness of everyday life prevents us from finding joy in the little things. This is especially important for those of us with diabetes. We understand that crazy blood sugars and food frustration can get you down, but try not to always focus on the negative. You’re already doing an amazing job by making an effort to tame your diabetes monster every day. Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small! Appreciate yourself and make peace with your diabetes.
#5 Get creative
Creative expression can be a great outlet! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just downright uninspired by everyday life, take a step back and get crafty. You don’t have to be the greatest artist in the world to get in touch with your creative side. Cooking, drawing, painting and making music are all types of creative expression that can help you calm down and find peace. You can even use your diabetes supplies as a source of inspiration! Decorate old insulin bottles or a cute box for your hypo treats. Adding a little sparkle to your diabetes is a great way to embrace hygge and put some joy in the everyday.
We hope by now you’re well acquainted with the wonderful concept of hygge. We know that life with diabetes can sometimes feel like a little too much. It’s at times like these when checking in with yourself is so important. Your diabetes does not define you and it certainly doesn’t need to defeat you. In fact, it’s possible for you and your diabetes monster to find peace and live in harmony together. So break out the scented candles, go outside and marvel at nature, and get your hygge on this season

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