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Living with Diabetes

How to improve your diabetes management with fasted exercise - Ginger Vieira

4/10/2019 by Scott Johnson

How to improve your diabetes management with fasted exercise - Ginger Vieira

Exercising with diabetes can feel tricky. And sometimes it is! This week, author and athlete Ginger Vieira talks with Scott about using fasted exercise to get the most bang for your buck when exercising.

In this week’s talk, we’ll be conversing with author Ginger Vieira. Ginger is a former record-setting weightlifter turned author. She has written four books and has an active freelance writing career for blogs like Diabetes Strong and HealthLine. We’ll be discussing her experiences exercising with diabetes and how exercising in a fasted state is possible to do safely.


  • Ginger's history with powerlifting
  • How her approach to looking at diabetes in a different light helped her
  • Why regular blood sugar monitoring is so important (especially when exercising)
  • Why fasting exercising can be so beneficial
  • How intermittent fasting can help those with diabetes



Scott Johnson: You ever looked at your blood sugar and thought, boy, I sure messed that one up. Yeah, me too. In fact, it happens more often than I liked to admit. And I tell you what, there's nothing like diabetes to make you second guess your decisions and beat yourself up. But there's a different and better way to go about things, and that's one of the things that we'll be talking about on today's show. What's up monster tamers? Welcome to another episode of “Live, with Scott!” thanks so much for tuning in. My name is Scott Johnson, I've been living with diabetes since I was five years old and the diabetes social media space, that's you, by the way, has been an important part of my wellbeing for a long, long time.

Scott Johnson: Thanks so much for helping me around. As your host today, I am thrilled to connect you with Ginger because her approach to life with diabetes is so refreshing and empowering, I can't wait for you to meet her. While we get going, please share a quick hello in the comments and let me know where you're watching from. And if you know anyone that might find this helpful, please do me a favor and share this with them. Today's episode is sponsored by the mySugr Bundle, get unlimited strips, automatic supply refills, personalized support and more all for just $49 per month. Learn more at

Scott Johnson: Now for more on this week's guest. Ginger Vieira has lived with type 1 diabetes for 20 years, Celiac disease for 19 years, and fibromyalgia for four years. She's the author of several great books on diabetes including Your Diabetes Science Experiment, Emotional Eating with Diabetes, Dealing with Diabetes Burnout, and Pregnancy with Type 1 Diabetes. Today, Ginger loves to create freelance content for diabetes work sites like Diabetes Strong and HealthLine. She has two cute little girls who never stop, named Lucy and Violet, two really cute rescue dogs named Suzy and Petey, and a handsome husband with a handsome beard she says.

Scott Johnson: They all live in Vermont and wear flannel in the winter just like you'd expect. And you may have seen them on the cover of Health Monitor's Guide to Living with Type 1 Diabetes magazine. Without further ado, let's dive right into the conversation with Ginger.

Scott Johnson: Hey Ginger!

Ginger Vieira: Hi Scott.

Scott Johnson: Thank you for coming on the show. It is wonderful to connect with you again, it feels like it's been a very long time.

Ginger Vieira: Yeah and not at all too. I'm, like as you can see, I'm already laughing. Because I just love Scott Johnson.

Scott Johnson: Thank you and right back at you. And that's one of the things that I love the most about the community that exists out there and the strength of peer support is that, long periods of time can go by and we pick it right back up where we left off, so thank you for that.

Ginger Vieira: Yeah, thank you.

Scott Johnson: I know that you're an amazing human being with many, many talents and I would like the world to know much more about you. You've lived with Type 1 diabetes for 20 years, Celiac for 19 years, you're also dealing with fibromyalgia which is a relatively new thing for you, relative to the rest of the things you're dealing with. You have set some impressive records in strength training and things like that and I don't even know what direction to take in the introduction. And I know it's kind of, I don't know I would love for you to help me with this task of introducing such an impressive person as yourself if you don't mind.

Ginger Vieira: Very kind overstatement. I want to clear for the record, I have not been weight lifting or setting records for almost like, I don't know, seven years now. That was pre-fibromyalgia, but it taught me a lot, especially about life with diabetes so I'm glad to have that in my history. And I love what I really am. I think I got to know the diabetes community first because of powerlifting, and so I kind of had a meathead persona for a little while because I was always posting videos of 200 pounds deadlifting.

Ginger Vieira: But what I really am is a writer, and I wanted to be a writer since the second grade. And I love writing about diabetes. So that is really what my brain craves the most, is to write, and teach and create, particularly about diabetes.

Scott Johnson: And I would say you're quite talented at it, a very skilled communicator, especially around complicated topics such as living with diabetes. Author of a number of books that people can go and download, and buy, and we will link all of those in the broadcast. So don't worry we'll fill everyone in on all those great, juicy details. One of the things that we are going to talk about today, we're going to talk about a few things, but one of the things that I love particularly about your approach to life with diabetes is helping people remove the guilt and shame to what they're experiencing with life with diabetes and looking at things a little bit differently. And maybe that's a great place to dive into this conversation today, do you want to talk a little bit more about that?

Ginger Vieira: Yeah I mean even as you say that what I think of is, I love cleaning a dirty refrigerator, I love going to someone's house and cleaning a dirty kitchen because if I know that kitchen's still dirty, I just can't, I can't leave it like that right? And diabetes is a big mess like there are just so many things that we have to constantly manage and clean up all day long or keep clean. And so my brain really loves cleaning up that mess and understanding how the mess got there. Sometimes I mean you have to scold your husband and point out the coffee stains, and sometimes it means you have to figure out why your blood sugar is plummeting or skyrocketing during this type of exercise in the morning but not during that type of exercise in the evening.

Ginger Vieira: And so when blood sugars don't go the way you expect, I think it's really easy for a certain mindset or a certain habit, or just being a person with diabetes to think, ah I screwed up, I did it wrong. And if you think about the zillion, I mean there's an awesome article on diaTribe about the 44 things that affect blood sugar, but like it feels like there's 44,000, right?

Scott Johnson: Yes.

Ginger Vieira: Because you can never manage all those things, it's impossible. Even if like half of them are not even able to be managed, we have no control of them and then the other half is like you explode trying to manage and control them all. And so I think it's really, not only important but really freeing to take into account that it's not your fault that your blood sugar wasn't perfect, and as soon as you remove that out of the equation, then you can just look at, oh so if I learn about the exercise physiology of weight lifting versus walking on a treadmill and doing that in the morning on an empty stomach versus, right after I eat lunch, then I can figure out some of those details and get my blood sugar to do more what I want it to do.

Ginger Vieira: So it's as soon as you remove the shame and blame because when that shame and guilt is there, there isn't room like you're stuck.

Scott Johnson: Yeah you're right. It kind of clouds the, at least for me anyway, it puts me all emotional and I start responding emotionally rather than logically. It makes my brain work from a different space and I'm not able to make smart decisions, I start making kind of knee jerk reactions that often have me swaying way to one side or the other. I think like you mentioned diabetes is, I don't know anything like it that is more prone to kind of sticking these points of data in our face all the time, right? And I think we're also sort of brainwashed to believe that if we do X and Y, then we should get the, one plus one equals two all the time but that's not always the case. So-

Ginger Vieira: You know what stinks is we're brainwashed even at our doctor's appointments. It's like they even some people who know so much about diabetes, the medical profession will look at you and be like, "Well, and why do you think, my body isn't just struggling with insulin production, it also doesn't produce this and doesn't manage this." And like, that's why I only go to medical professionals for help with diabetes that actually have type 1, because that's never a conversation you have to have. There's never guilt and blame, it's always just problem-solving.

Scott Johnson: Yeah. I would say it's almost even, especially, and maybe brainwashed is kind of, it's a very strong word right, like of course these medical-

Ginger Vieira: Thought programmed, maybe, yeah.

Scott Johnson: And of course it's not an intentional thing, but if you think about the fact that the, how many intricacies there are to managing diabetes as you mentioned, and the amount of time that any of us have with our medical team, how can anyone possibly help us understand everything that we have to think about and consider in a 10 or 15 minute appointment right?

Ginger Vieira: And that touches on another thing I'm really passionate about, is that you really do have to study your blood sugars outside of your doctor appointments. You can't wait for every three to six months for them to look at some numbers and be like, "Oh this is the problem you're having right here." They aren't going to see it all, you have to be the one that steps back and thinks, every time I go for a job after breakfast, my blood sugar is 45, and then it's 300 an hour later, and you have to be the one that thinks about what those variables are. And there are a million awesome people on the internet now to help with that. But you can't wait for the doctor appointments.

Scott Johnson: It's, and I'm going to be totally self-serving from it and I know that we just, we talked about this but you know, logging your information, being very engaged in it, there are a ton of tools out there to help with that, mySugr is one of a handful, and we love logging in data, we have coaches that can help you with that, there are many other tools out there available. But I would, I feel like I would get my hands slapped if I didn't take that opportunity to.

Ginger Vieira: Yeah you should. Because it's, I mean you can't just look at it once on a meter and remember.

Scott Johnson: Yeah.

Ginger Vieira: The mySugr app helps you notice like, oh this is happening every day. Maybe I need to adjust my approach and figure out a different approach to this.

Scott Johnson: Yeah. You mentioned a little bit about different types of exercises at different times of day, or exercising after lunch versus fasting, exercising when you're fasting in the morning, something like that. And I know something that you've talked about before is fasted exercise. And that's a term that, okay I can put two and two together in my brain and understand that fasted means I haven't eaten anything, and exercise is exercising. But I would love for you to help me better understand what that means and how it works with diabetes.

Ginger Vieira: So, I learned about this actually like maybe 10 years ago from bodybuilders, because the bodybuilding crowd is always trying to burn fat without burning muscle or glucose, right? As soon as you're burning glucose during exercise, you're not burning fat. And bodybuilders, including Schwarzenegger, are always trying to get as lean as possible. And so when I started in the whole weight lifting world 10 years ago, my powerlifting coach, who is a bodybuilder himself was saying, "You know you really should be," they were all very into steady state, just means slow walking in the morning on an empty stomach.

Ginger Vieira: And I always thought, I can't do that, I have type 1 diabetes, my blood sugar will plummet. So I would take glucose tabs as I walked, and then my blood sugar would be 300, after an hour, an hour and a half next to my best friend on the treadmill. And he kept telling me, "You could do fasted cardio, you don't need the glucose tabs." So I cut down my glucose tabs because I didn't believe him and I finally got down to one glucose tab and it was still high. So I finally cut the glucose tabs and started doing fasted walking on an empty stomach, starting ideally with in-range blood sugar, and of course, a variable that you could throw in there is if, obviously I have my long-acting insulin on board, or you background insulin from a pump.

Ginger Vieira: Or let's say at 3:00 AM you woke up and you checked your blood sugar and you were at 200 and you took insulin for that, now there's going to be extra insulin on board when you're doing your fasted cardio–bam, that's a variable thrown in there. Or if you were low at 3:00 AM and you ate, you could still do fasted walking because you didn't take insulin, you just treated the low. If you treated the low with a bowl of cereal, then you're 400. It's a really good motivation to wake up with in-range blood sugar.

Scott Johnson: Yeah, yeah.

Ginger Vieira: Like when I'm on my kick of getting regular exercise fasted in the morning, at night I'm thinking, what do I need to do to make sure I wake up with the blood sugar I want? Because it will ruin it if it's, you know and I'd be like it will make it less smooth and fun when you wake up.

Scott Johnson: Yeah.

Ginger Vieira: So the reason you're burning fat for fuel instead of glucose, is because you haven't taken a bolus of insulin. You have your background insulin, I'm just going to emphasize that because always ask, "Well should I stop taking my background insulin?" We all need insulin to live, you need your background insulin, leave it alone. For the first few times somebody might try this, always keep glucose in your pocket or nearby wherever you are. And I always assume for the potential to have a low blood sugar when I'm exercising. Any plummet of any time of day. But check when you start, check halfway through, check at the end and see what's happening.

Ginger Vieira: If someone was to have a low blood sugar during fasted cardio and those other variables of having taken insulin for a high and things like that aren't on board, that's a great way to know that you're actually getting too much background insulin.

Scott Johnson: Yeah.

Ginger Vieira: So your body is burning fat for fuel because you haven't introduced calories or insulin. So it's still in a fasted state. And not only does that mean that you're burning more body fat, it means that you can exercise without low blood sugars.

Scott Johnson: Awesome.

Ginger Vieira: Yeah. So the other side of this though is that it doesn't have to be on a treadmill like a bodybuilder. When I was still weight lifting prior to fibromyalgia, I would weight lift in a fasted state and I actually would take a unit of insulin to counter the way weight lifting can raise your blood sugar. And again everybody should approach this – because I'm describing Ginger's body. I waited until I had three days of evidence that my morning fasted weight lifting raised my blood sugar, and then I was like, all right, I'm definitely going to take a unit of insulin for when I start this workout. And that meant that I could be at 100 at the end of my work out instead of 250. I'm going to pause there I can go on and on.

Scott Johnson: Yeah no this is great information. I mean it's, I think that you mentioned one big thing there where so many of us with diabetes who are taking insulin, we struggle with those lows during exercise. And so this is-

Ginger Vieira: They ruin all the fun.

Scott Johnson: Right, it totally ruins all the fun and we often feel like we're eating all the calories that we just worked off in the gym and stuff like that. So it sounds to me like this fasted exercise can be one great strategy to help with that.

Ginger Vieira: For me it's freedom, and I have two little kids now and I do not have the power inside me to wake up at 5:00 AM and exercise prior to them waking up. I've tried it fails miserably. And it's like I hate life for the rest of the day if I have to get out of bed that early. So I don't get to exercise until after I bring them to school, and by then it's like 8:30 that I could get on a treadmill. I do walk the dogs in the morning, so I am getting that fasted exercise at 7:00, but when I'm stepping on a treadmill and getting, really clear diligent exercise, is 8:30.

Ginger Vieira: So now that's going in a little further, and I want to add another variable that people can experience when fasting, whether you're doing fasted exercise or just fasting, your liver can dump glucose because you're liver is like, oh you're not eating breakfast, I'm going to provide a little fuel, here's some glucose. And that really would happen in a non-diabetic too, so I would take a unit of, and I always check to make sure if that's happening or not happening, and I can have phases where that fasting causes me to need a unit of insulin in the morning to kind of support my basal insulin needs because of that liver dump. And I can have periods where for some reason I don't, I think it's really in the summer where I don't because I'm so much more active in the summer. But I just want to illustrate that that can vary.

Scott Johnson: Definitely. So it's all about kind of doing, tracking your information, and paying attention.

Ginger Vieira: Paying attention, yeah. If you fast and you exercise and your blood sugar goes high and it happens consistently, two, three days in a row, it doesn't mean that you suck at fasting or that it's not possible for you, it means that you just need probably a unit of insulin on board when you start your fasting exercise. And that doesn't cancel out the benefits of fasted exercise, it's your background insulin needs.

Scott Johnson: Yeah. Something I'm curious about, you mentioned earlier about the bodybuilders and weight lifters doing slow walking. Talk a little bit more about that, why would they keep it slow versus you know like really get it going and-

Ginger Vieira: I'd always take things to like another level of obsession. And I don't always think it's healthy. And many aspects of bodybuilding, it's not. And that is their obsession with making sure they don't burn any muscle. Because if your heart rate's low enough, you're only going to burn body fat not muscle and we cannot lose an ounce of muscle for bodybuilders. My hats go off to them, but I think the average person shouldn't worry about that, I think you should have fun.

Scott Johnson: Yeah just go for a walk, do whatever exercise you want to do and-

Ginger Vieira: Go for a jog, you can go weight lift, you can go row a boat, jump rope, just go have fun.

Scott Johnson: Go have fun, that's awesome.

Ginger Vieira: And so not everybody has time to exercise in the morning and for a while, I really didn't beyond walking the dogs because my kids weren't at school, they're pretty little. I have a one-and-a-half-year-old and a four-year-old, so they're still pretty needy. And when they aren't at school, I can't do that, I have them at home. And I needed, I wanted to create that freedom of fasted exercise in the evening. So I would eat my, we know that fast-acting insulin stays in your body for three to four hours, the more common ones, Novolog and Humalog. And so I would make sure to eat my last meal that really required insulin around 3:00 or 4:00 PM because my kids are in bed by 7:00.

Ginger Vieira: So then I wouldn't, if I did between 3:00 or 4:00 PM and 7:00, it would be something light, or it would at the very least be very low carb, or if it was carbs it was like veggies where you take a little bit of insulin that's not going to hurt. So then at 7:00 PM, kids are unconscious, and I can go out to the garage where I've got my jump rope or my treadmill, and I can exercise for an hour and my blood sugar doesn't plummet.

Scott Johnson: Nice.

Ginger Vieira: So it's creating fast exercise at the time that's ideal for you. If you need to do that for lunchtime, you can eat your breakfast, and then wait until after you exercise to eat lunch. Don't eat lunch, and people always say to me but, "If I don't eat breakfast before I exercise, won't I pass out?" No, the human body is a little more durable than that. We can, I know humans are so used to like, you got to eat every three to four hours. But you'll make it, I promise. And even feels good, it feels good to me because my blood sugar isn't fluctuating, and I don't have food in my belly and it's just freedom.

Scott Johnson: I love that. Now I have another question for you, now just to put this out there, you're not a medical professional, you're-

Ginger Vieira: I am not.

Scott Johnson: But I think you're pretty darn smart about a lot of this stuff. But just for the record, all of you watching, Ginger is not a medical professional, and of course, if you feel uncomfortable answering any of this, then please just say so. But what might be the differences, or some of the differences you know about, what we're talking about between someone living with type 1 or type 2 using insulin, versus the benefits of fasted exercise for someone with type 2 diabetes who might not be taking insulin?

Ginger Vieira: Yeah so you need to take about what medications you are taking that do lower blood sugar. Like metformin helps your blood sugar be lower, but metformin doesn't lower blood sugars. But there are other, I mean there are so many diabetes drugs out there that, maybe I don't even know, maybe a third of them, half of them lower blood sugar and half of them don't, right? So have that conversation with your doctor if you're not sure. But if you normally take your diabetes medication at 7:00 AM because you take it with your breakfast, if you're doing fasted exercise, you're probably, and again check on this with your healthcare team, but you're probably not going to want to take your med at 7:00 AM, you're going to want to take it when you do eat your first meal.

Scott Johnson: Yeah. And also the body is, in type 2 diabetes this action is disrupted a bit, but the body's natural action of when you eat a meal is to release insulin amongst a number of other things. But by fasting you're not triggering that and that sounds like what this is all about. That leads to another question, is there anyone out there who maybe should not practice fasted exercise?

Ginger Vieira: I mean if you already, I wouldn't say there's a hard and fast, if you have a history of eating disorders or exercise anorexia, avoiding food in that kind of way could be a real trigger for other issues. So I would steer someone away from that unless that's part of your current program. And if you need help with any type of eating disorder as a person with diabetes, you should go to and find Asha Brown without question. Aside from that, I mean if you have low blood pressure and you know that exercise is already a risk for you, maybe that person, but really the blood sugar is the main issue, low blood sugars are the main concern.

Ginger Vieira: Start your fasted exercise with something that's not crazy. Like, don't go to CrossFit fasted the first time you do fasted exercise. Just go for a walk, a jog, whatever and see how you-

Scott Johnson: Pay attention to your body and numbers.

Ginger Vieira: Check often and see how you feel. Anytime I do any type of new exercise, even if I think I know how it's going to affect my body, like for a little while I was trying to like swimming and I'm not sure which part of that is swimming, I mean I'm swimming it's definitely in quotes. But and the liking swimming is also in quotes. But even though I knew that swimming is cardio and I'm doing it in a fasted state, I still got out of the pool every 15 minutes to see what was happening to my blood sugar because I've never done something as awful as swimming before that really for exercise. So as you can see I don't do it anymore.

Scott Johnson: That's funny, I love that. I'm also curious about the difference between fasted exercise, and another term or phrase I hear often is intermittent fasting. Can you help me and us better understand what the differences are a little bit better?

Ginger Vieira: Yeah. Fasted exercise is all about just creating a fasted environment during your exercise so that you're burning fat for fuel, but then you eat after, right? And if I do fasted exercise at 7:00 PM, I've only been fasted for like three and a half hours. So that's like barely fasting, for a Type 1 diabetic it's plenty of fasting because I get the benefits of that freedom during my workout at 7:00 PM. Intermittent fasting implies eating your caloric needs within a certain window of time, and let's say it's 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM or 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM and then not eating over all the hours around that.

Ginger Vieira: And it's for similar benefits in terms of burning fat for fuel. A lot of research has shown that that break for your digestive system extends our lives and is so good for our body and our digestive system to just not be constantly shoving food down our throat. Again, anyone with a history of eating disorders should not do intermittent fasting or even contemplate it. Anyone struggling with yo-yo dieting, you really want to focus on your relationship with choosing mostly healthy foods before you pursue intermittent fasting. I had a friend who was really struggling with, he would just binge eat in the middle of the day, because he didn't realize that he wasn't eating really much of anything for a huge other chunk of time.

Ginger Vieira: And sure he was sort of creating his own lanky intermittent fasting schedule, but the choices he was making around food were not even remotely healthy or like a mental connection with what he was eating. So that intermittent fasting is not a solution for yo-yo dieting. First focus on eating 80% of your day just really good food, room for 20% of healthy treats, whatever is delicious to you, bread and butter, whatever you got to have you know, that makes you not feel deprived. For me that's chocolate. And then if you feel like pursuing intermittent fasting, we have Diabetes Strong, it's pretty much the only thorough write up on intermittent fasting with type 1 diabetes, and it would apply to type 2 on insulin.

Ginger Vieira: And then another great resource for intermittent fasting is by Dr. John Berardi, Precision Nutrition, and he has this awesome eBook on all the different types of intermittent fasting, schedules you can follow and what the point is and what happens when you abuse that schedule. One of his colleagues that wrote this she thought, "Oh I just did a 24 hour fast." You know if you eat normally six days a week and then you do one day of 24-hour fasting, that's one type of intermittent fasting. So she thought, "Oh that was great, I'm going to do another one." So she ate dinner, but then she did another 24-hour fast rope, she's not going to eat again until the next dinner.

Ginger Vieira: And then I think she tried to do it again. And she found herself wanting to just dip a stick of butter in sugar because that was too much. There's a degree of fasting that's healthy and there's, like any good thing, you can ruin it. So, and I find that intermittent fasting has been awesome for periods of my life, like maybe for a few months, and then I just suddenly find that like my body is still stressed out about that, and I'm not going to do that, I'm going to just eat breakfast and eat a more normal schedule. I also want to emphasize that when you are doing intermittent fasting no matter what the schedule is, it's still important you're still trying to get the same amount of calories, you're still trying to get a day's worth of calories. The health benefits and the weight loss benefits are not because you're eating less necessarily.

Scott Johnson: Got you. That's great. Well we will be sure to check on those resources on Diabetes Strong and the doctor you mentioned and get those links out there for folks to take a look, that's great, thank you for sharing those. Ginger we've covered a lot of great information already, is there anything that you can think of that you'd like to spend a little more time on, or anything that we may not have covered that you want to talk about?

Ginger Vieira: You know the first thing that comes to mind is we already as people with diabetes have such an emphasis on nutrition, nutrition, nutrition, right? And because of social media, there's always the good and bad of social media. And on Instagram especially, there are so many fitness gurus, and people prepping for their next bikini competition or their body building competition, and they've got all their meals prepped out. And we're all privy to that in the diabetes world too because we have to pay so much attention to food. I just want to say having been very close to people with diabetes in the body building world, that you don't have to prepare four meals a day, seven days ahead and live your life like some kind of nutrition robot, to be healthy.

Ginger Vieira: And a lot, a lot, a lot of those people rebound later on and they don't share that with you on Instagram. And I just wish it was more honest on social media because it's, I feel like I can't go anywhere without seeing another person telling me about their meal prep and preparing and trying to get their six pack. And I can tell now, because I've been around that world long enough, of which girls have suddenly started doing anabolic steroids in low doses and suddenly they look like this and their waist is like this, and you just, I want to just put a filter on that for everybody.

Ginger Vieira: And in the diabetes world, we're so sensitive to that stuff, I just want to really encourage people to tone it out or back away, or just remember that you're not seeing the whole picture of what's going on.

Scott Johnson: That's really wise to remember that especially looking at everything we see on our screens. So thank you for the reminder. And as a public service to everyone out there, I have spared all of you from my bikini contest pictures so you're welcome in advance. I'm just kidding, I wouldn't do that. Well, this has been a fantastic conversation Ginger, thank you very much for coming on and sharing a little taste of what's in that brilliant mind of yours with us-

Ginger Vieira: The rest of it is just chocolate recipes. What kind of chocolate mousse I want to make tomorrow.

Scott Johnson: That's also information the world should have too. So we're going to put as many of the links to all your great works and books and places people can track you down at as I can fit on the screen out there for people, and we'd love to have you back any time that you've got something more to share. And please reach out, let us know whenever we can have.

Ginger Vieira: Thanks Scott, thanks for having me.

Scott Johnson: All right. There you have it. I hope you also enjoyed the conversation with Ginger and learning some new tools and perspective. And as a special thanks to all of you watching, I have a fun mySugr tote bag with some goodies inside like mySugr pop socket and a few stickers, and I even tracked down another autographed copy of Adam Brown's Bright Spots & Landmines book that I want to give away. To enter, leave a comment below and let Ginger and I if you enjoyed today's episode. And before next week's show, I'll randomly pick a lucky winner or two and announce them during the start of next week's broadcast.

Scott Johnson: Now I want to share a quick heads up about a fun event that we're hosting right here at the mySugr office on Friday. The amazing Erik and Annalisa recently kicked off their west coast, Miles of Portraits Tour. Where they'll be cycling from Los Angeles California, all the way to Santa Fe New Mexico over the next two to three months. They're stopping and speaking at a number of REI and JDRF locations along the way and we're lucky enough that they'll be popping in to the mySugr office here in Encinitas, California as they make their way south from LA through Carlsbad, Encinitas, down to San Diego, before heading east into the other tour stops on their way.

Scott Johnson: So, they're going to be doing a fun meet and greet between 6:00 and 8:00 PM this Friday. If you happen to be nearby, please drop in, we'd love to see you, there's going to be tons of cool people, casual atmosphere, just drop in, no RSVP needed. We'll have some light refreshments and snacks, and yeah grab a picture. Ask them like what is this crazy bike touring thing all about? This is something they've done before, they biked across Alaska, and have ridden across the United States of America, I mean so many questions about all this stuff and you will have a chance to talk with them in person.

Scott Johnson: If you know Erik, you also know that he is an amazing storyteller who makes a lot of great videos as well so I'm sure he'll create some content, I'll capture some content as well and share some updates as well. So in addition, I also want to share something I'm also very excited about. So you've heard me talk about Diabetes Training Camp before, at least I hope you have, and I'm excited to share that they've added a Type 2 Diabetes Boot Camp to their lineup. I'm going to read the description right from their website here. Diabetes Training Camp’s Type 2 Boot Camp is an extremely unique program geared towards everyone with type 2 diabetes.

Scott Johnson: Learn the simple facts on developing a healthy lifestyle and fitness program, that will help you take control of your diabetes. Come experience lifestyle and fitness programs that you can do. This camp is built for you. Our team is a phenomenal group of diabetes and fitness specialists, some who have diabetes themselves. This team understands your needs as a person with diabetes, we get it.

Scott Johnson: And yes, they definitely do. And in fact, I am so excited about this that I'm actually headed out there to learn more about it, to interview the staff, and most importantly, talk with as many of the campers there who are attending.

Scott Johnson: There's still time to register and attend, I would love, love, love to see you and hang out there, learn more about you and your story and yeah, just learn from you. So take a look, we'll put a link in the comments and I would love to see you there.

Scott Johnson: Once again today's episode is sponsored by the mySugr Bundle, get unlimited scripts, automatic supply refills, personalized support and more, all for just $49 per month. Learn more at Now, be sure to tune in next week where I have a few fun diabetes stories to share, and an announcement that you won't want to miss. Thanks so much for joining today, please like this video, share it with your friends, have another amazing day and I'll see you next week.

The mySugr website does not provide medical or legal advice. mySugr blog articles are not scientific articles, but intended for informational purposes only.
Medical or nutritional information on the mySugr website is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a physician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Scott Johnson

Almost famous for being a Diet Coke fanatic, Scott is the Patient Success Manager, US for mySugr and has lived well with diabetes for over 40 years. He's an active pioneer in the diabetes social media space and along with his work at mySugr, he manages his award-winning blog, when time allows.